Corporate finance — Corporate finance … Wikipedia
Corporate Office Properties Trust — Inc. (COPT) (NYSE: OFC) is a publicly traded real estate investment trust (REIT) corporation that specializes in office development, and describes itself as a fully integrated, self managed real estate investment trust that focuses on the… … Wikipedia
Corporate censorship — Part of a series on Censorship By media … Wikipedia
Corporate communication — is the message issued by a corporate organization, body, or institute to its publics. Publics can be both internal (employees, stakeholders, i.e. share and stock holders) and external (agencies, channel partners, media, government, industry… … Wikipedia
Corporate law — (also company or corporations law) is the study of how shareholders, directors, employees, creditors, and other stakeholders such as consumers, the community and the environment interact with one another under the internal rules of the firm.… … Wikipedia
Corporate Governance — (deutsch: Grundsätze der Unternehmensführung) bezeichnet den Ordnungsrahmen für die Leitung und Überwachung von Unternehmen.[1] Der Ordnungsrahmen wird maßgeblich durch Gesetzgeber und Eigentümer bestimmt. Die konkrete Ausgestaltung obliegt dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Corporate Security — identifies and effectively mitigates or manages, at an early stage, any developments that may threaten the resilience and continued survival of a corporation. It is a well organized corporate function that oversees and manages the close… … Wikipedia
Corporate amnesia — is a phrase used to describe a situation in which businesses, and other types of co operative organization, lose their memory of how to do things. The condition is held, by some people, to be analogous to individual amnesia. The causes are… … Wikipedia
Corporate Online Responsibility — ist ein an die Konzepte der Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) und des Corporate Citizenship (CC) angelehntes Konzept, das explizit auf unternehmerisch verantwortungsvolles Handeln im Internet eingeht. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Corporate Real Estate Management — (CREM) bzw. Betriebliches Immobilienmanagement bezeichnet die erfolgs und wertorientierte Beschaffung, Verwaltung und Vermarktung von betrieblichen Immobilien (engl. corporate real estate). Dabei handelt es sich um Unternehmen (engl. corporates) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Management Development Institute — Motto Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam (Sanskrit) from the Gita 2:50 Motto in English Pefection in action is Yoga An act becomes perfect when you do it with all joy and without expecting anything in return … Wikipedia